Executive Consultant

染谷 勝成

染谷 勝成主席エグゼクティブコンサルタント

Katsunari SomeyaChief Executive Consultant

中央大学 法学部を卒業後、東証グロース市場上場のITコンサルティング会社にてCRMシステムの導入に従事した後、デロイト トーマツ コンサルティングに入社。都市銀行に対し、テクノロジーを活用した全社業務改革、メガトレンドを踏まえた新規事業立案に取り組む。

Katsunari SomeyaChief Executive Consultant

After graduating from Chuo University with a B. A. in Law, he worked on CRM system implementation at a listed IT consulting firm. After that, he joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting. He worked on business process reengineering project utilizing technology and new business planning based on global megatrends for a leading Japanese commercial bank. Later, as a manager of the Talent Development Division of the Human Resources Group at ABeam Consulting, he was engaged in reforming the company-wide human talent development system and planned and managed training programs for new employees. He was also involved in hiring and training of department members as part of his departmental management responsibilities. He joined Concord in order to support each individual in building a fulfilling career.